Colintraive Heritage Centre

Where is the Colintraive Heritage Centre?

The heritage centre nestles next to the Milton Burn Bridge in the rural village of Colintraive, Argyll, Scotland. Most of the hamlet of Milton which lay beside the burn has been demolished. The buildings included a meal mill, a black smith’s smiddy and croft, stables, and a bothy.

Milton Hamlet with the Smiddy and the Meal Mill in the 1900’s.

What can you do at the Colintraive Heritage Centre?

The heritage centre building is set in the former hamlet of Milton. It was previously, a stable, coach house, hotel garage and finally a workshop belonging to Alex Grant. By looking carefully inside and out, you can identify traces of the former uses of the building.

The Stables, Bothy and Smiddy in the early 1900’s

In Colintraive Heritage Centre you will find displays containing local historical research, photographs, and maps. The collections of agricultural implements, domestic artefacts, film clips and personal stories will help you discover the working lives and the leisure activities of residents and visitors of the past.

The ‘Wee Room’

Looking through the window of the old workshop office of Alex Grant, you can see a living area, typical of a small local cottage in the early twentieth century. It contains domestic objects donated or lent by villagers from their homes.

The School Area

Bring back your school memories by using the chalk board and sitting at the double school desk from the former South Hall School. The modern school furniture provides a contrasting place for small children to draw, colour, complete quizzes and look at maps.

Fergie the Tractor

You can ‘inspect’ and take a ‘ride’ on the 1947 Massey Ferguson tractor. This is on loan to the museum by a former resident. Attached to the tractor is a double non standard furrow plough or ‘match plough.’

Research your ancestors

Hard copies of the late 19th century and early twentieth census and valuation rolls enable you to trace your ancestors and the occupations of inhabitants. You can also find photgraphs of local people and buildings.