South Hall School, Colintraive
The first school in Colintraive opened at South Hall about 1800 as a single classroom cottage. Shortly after the opening a teacher’s flat was added to the building. A double desk from the school is in the heritage centre.

Heritage Centre)
The school closed in 1975 and the pupils moved to a new building in the Clachan of Glendaruel. Kilmodan school continues to provide a significant local resource for pupils, parents, and the community.

(Source-:Daisy Black, donor at Colintraive Heritage Centre)
Dances and Cruises
Between the wars there were regular dances in the hotel tearoom and frequent dances on the pier along with evening cruises in the Kyles.
Concerts were held in the tearoom.
“Mrs Burnley Campbell opened the programme with a few words in Gaelic. She then called on Mr Archie Baxter to lead the singing of A Gaelic dialogue by Misses MacPherson and MacDonald, a recitation by little Miss Louisa MacKellar and songs by Misses Ruby Helm and Louisa MacKellar completed the programme
Source:-Daisy Black a local resident
In 1946 ‘Colintraive Players won the Cowal Festival Drama cup for their performance of ‘Campbell of Kilmory. In 1948 they won the Comedy Drama and Supreme Award Trophies.