Colintraive’s Heritage Booklet

Sources for the Colintraive’s Heritage Booklet

Bowman, J. E. (1825) The Highland and Islands; – A Nineteenth Century Tour

Dunoon Observer (1901) Children’s Christmas Party at South Hall January

Dunoon Museum (1939+) Landings from Loch Striven figure 36

Glasgow and Herald Newspaper (?) Tuck Shop to Colintraive Heritage Centre (permission granted for educational use by the Heritage Centre from Scran ID 000-000114-685 for figure 35

Grant, I. F. Dr. Collection, Asset ID: – 38635 at High Highland Life

Grant, W. (1844) ‘Parish of Kilmadan’ in The Statistical Account of Scotland, Vol. 7, pp.672-674 and online at

Kirkhope, J. T. (1971, a) Historical Illustrations in ‘The Destruction of Eilean Dearg Castle: – The Dig on Red Island,’ Scots Magazine, February. Permission granted by the artist to Colintraive Heritage Centre.

Kirkhope, J. T. (1971 b) Historical Illustrations in Miller, H. ‘The Excavation of Eilean Dearg Castle. From Stone Age Man to the Victorians,’ Scots Magazine March. Permission granted by the artist to Colintraive Heritage Centre

Residents. Photographs and postcards. Copyright Photographers and donors and the Colintraive Heritage Centre.

Lumley, J. A.  and Dowell, Auctioneers and Land Agents (1913) Argyllshire Particulars with Plan of South Hall, Colintraive, Kyles of Bute South Hall Estate Sale Brochure, Argyll Papers.

Mckechnie, H. (1938) ‘The Lamont Clan: – Seven Centuries of Clan History,’ Clan Lamont Society.

MacKinnon, J, (1791-99) ‘Parish of Kilmadan’ in The Statistical Account of Scotland, Vol. 4, pp.337-342 (

MacTavish, H. Rev, (1793?) ‘Parish of Inverchaolain (County of Argyle)’ in Claire, J. (1754-1835) Statistical Account of Scotland, Vol. 5, pp.464-473 (

MacTavish, A. (1843) ‘Parish of Inverchaolain’ in The Statistical Account of Scotland Vol. 7, pp.168-116. Statistical Accounts of Scotland (

McNaughton, A. (1985) Twenty Five Years and More. Colintraive Village Hall, A Short History.

MacLagan, I. (1997) The Piers and ferries of Bute, The Buteshire Natural History Society

Miller, H. (1971 a) ‘The Destruction of Eilean Dearg Castle: – The Dig on Red Island Scots Magazine February  

Miller, H. (1971 b) ‘The Excavation of Eilean Dearg Castle. From Stone Age Man to the Victorians,’ Scots Magazine March

Mowat, C. (197?) ‘The Legend and History of Eilean Dearg’ with a few short notes concerning the History of Colintraive. (Parish Leaflet)

 Pennant, T. (1772) ‘A Tour in Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides’

Rennie, E.B. (1993) Cowal a Historical Guide Birlinn

Rennie, E. B. Personal Archaeological information from her research in the Cowal area.